Friday, October 16, 2009

Newsletter 6

To my sweet precious owl friends and mommy's- Thank you Thank you Thank you so much for my beautiful flowers. I love them. The colors are so vibrant. I can't wait to get my toes done.( a little time for me) You guys are so sweet thank you again.

We had a great week at the farm in the owl class. We LOVED the animals only a few friends said "No Thank You". We chased the pigs and ducks and pet the goats and deer. The ducks were the loudest of the group and they loved to run from us. The goats were just like big dogs and let us pet them without running. SO FUN and a great experience. In our Owl room we stamped animals and played with the animals as we sang Old McDonald Had a Farm. We read a book called Cock a Doodle Do. We love making animal sounds. "MOO QUACK" We made animal sounds all day. I am always working on their language. We played in oatmeal and the shaving cream. We colored with markers. The owls love this. We enjoyed a parachute in Chapel. What a great ride. We played outside and explored our toys. FUN FUN.

I am looking forward to next week as we explore Pumpkins.

Open House is Thursday 22ND from 6:30-7:30. Come and explore the room and meet some of the friends who are in the other classes. I will have centers open to play and some pictures to look at. Hope to see you there.

Remember- With all the viruses going around, make sure and be fever free for 24 hours before coming to school. We will miss you but it will keep everyone else well.

Have an Owl Like Weekend. Owls love this weather.

Take Care and God Bless.

Ms. Tracee:)

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